Business Park Zoning

Image of a development map with different plots, pathways and scematics

About the Business Park Zone

Kittery’s Business Park zone was created in the 1990’s to encourage office or industrial development on parcels that are served by utilities and easily accessed from major roadways. Subsequent development was limited, and large portions of the zone remain undeveloped. Market trends, environmental considerations, and community needs have evolved since then.  The zone is a priority area for re-examination.

The Town recently completed two studies which inform this effort:

A Market study reveals very strong need for housing of any type and limited demand for other uses, and a hydrologic study indicates that large parts of the zone serve the greater watershed and provide increasing stormwater management needs which will impact the scale and configuration of future development.

Business Park Zoning Workshop - April 24, 2024

As an important next step, the Town of Kittery held a Business Park Zoning Workshop to provide an overview of the existing conditions, present options for future zoning of the area and gather feedback from residents and property owners to inform next steps.

The Workshop will also be rebroadcast several times on Channel 22 and Town Hall Streams over the next few weeks.

Community Engagement & Feedback

For those unable to attend the Workshop, questions and feedback on Business Park Zoning can be sent via email to:

Director of Planning & Development Jason Garnham at or mailed to/dropped off at the Planning & Development Department at Town Hall, located at 200 Rogers Road in Kittery.