Taylor Building - Invitation for Proposals

Taylor Building IFP Kittery

The Town of Kittery’s Taylor Building Committee is now accepting concept proposals from organizations, community groups, businesses and other entities or individuals to consider for the re-use, renovation, sale and/or development of the Taylor Building property, located at 2 Walker Street, Kittery, Maine.  The intent of this invitation is to facilitate a broad range of proposals from individuals, groups and other entities that can bring a proposal to fruition.  The Town anticipates the property will be vacated by the Library, approximately, December of 2021.

The Committee will consider both private and public uses for the property as the first step in determining the future use.  It will recommend the most advantageous concept(s) to the Town Council for consideration.

Proposals should be submitted to the Town of Kittery, no later than March 25, 2020 at 5:00 PM.  For a complete description of the IFP, please click here, or visit www.kitteryme.gov/taylor-building-committee.