Love Lane - One Way Effective Oct 13

Traffic Pattern Change

Beginning October 13, Love Lane will become a one-way, running west from Lutts Avenue to 150 feet from the connection with State Road.  The remaining 150 feet of Love Lane will remain two-way to allow access to 30 & 42 State Road (condominiums and Bank).

The one-way designation will be in effect for 60 days and is part of a demonstration project to test the effectiveness, safety, and neighborhood impacts of "road diet" for Love Lane.  The demonstration project also includes adding temporary pedestrian lanes on both sides of Love Lane.  Speeds and traffic volume will be monitored and Kittery Police Department will be conducting enforcement, throughout the demonstration project.

Love Lane sees a great deal of cut through traffic, specifically in the early morning, from the PNSY employees.  The traffic impacts the quality of life and safety of the residents on this road.  The Joint Land Use Study identified a “road diet” for Love Lane as a catalytic strategy for addressing the PNSY traffic impacts on the town.  A road diet can include the decrease of lane widths, addition of sidewalks and bicycle lanes, and other measures that reduce speeds, make the street safer for multi-modal transit, and reduce cut-through traffic.

The Town Manager will be providing the Council with a report on effectiveness of the demonstration project in November.