Central Maine Power - Tree Care Maintenance in Kittery

CMP Tree maintenance Kittery

Central Maine Power works year-round to reduce tree-related outages and deliver reliable service.  An important part of the CMP Tree Care program is to prevent outages along transmission lines.  In the spring of 2020, CMP may be conducting tree work throughout the Town of Kittery. The objective of the work is to remove and discourage the growth of trees and to encourage the growth of grasses, ferns and bushes around power lines which traverse the countryside, away from highways. 

Landowners who object to the proposed Tree Care maintenance, may request a Landowner’s Maintenance Agreement with CMP.  The landowner must agree to maintain these areas to the company’s specifications. Landowner Agreement forms and additional information may be obtained by contacting:

Nicholas Hahn
CMP Vegetation Management
83 Edison Drive
Augusta, ME 04336