For Appeal / Request purposes, who are the abutters?

Abutter means the owner of a property that is contiguous to or shares a common boundary line. An abutting property as used Title 16, relates solely to the notification of property owners who must be notified in writing when new development or re-development is proposed within one hundred fifty (150) feet of their property boundary(ies). This notification must include inter tidal land below the normal high-water line, but not that land beyond one hundred (100) rods (one thousand six hundred fifty (1,650) feet) distant from the normal high water line, or that land below the normal low water line. Where question exists regarding ownership of intertidal lands, consult Figure 1 for Chapter 16.2, entitled, “Formula for Determining Ownership of Intertidal Land as a Guide for Identifying Abutters,” at the end of this chapter.