Public Forum - Kittery Foreside Land Use, Parking and Traffic Circulation Study

traffic and bike path

Public Forum # 2 for the Kittery Foreside Land Use, Parking and Traffic Circulation Study is scheduled for October 25th in the Council Chambers at Town Hall from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (Open House) and 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (Presentation).

This meeting is an opportunity for the community to review and provide feedback about draft recommendations for mobility improvements, parking, open space, connectivity, build-out options, zoning, and design standards in the Study area. The Open House will allow participants to ask specific questions of the consultants and closely review recommendations. The presentation will provide a summary of the recommendations, followed by a “Question & Answer” session.

The goal of the Kittery Foreside Land Use, Parking, and Traffic Study is to determine a reasonable and palatable build-out scenario to use as a model to conclude what land use regulations, traffic patterns, bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, and parking resources are necessary to support and sustain future growth while not diminishing community character and residential qualities. The Town has retained TY Lin International and MRLD Landscape Architecture + Urbanism to work with the community to develop a vision for the future of the Foreside and then make specific mobility, urban design, and zoning recommendations to implement the desired type, scale, and distribution of growth.

For more information on this project, click here.