Affordable & Workforce Housing Project Page

Affordable & Workforce Housing Kittery

If you missed last week's Discussion on Affordable & Workforce Housing, there are plenty of ways to get involved in the conversation!

A broadcast of the event will premiere this evening on Channel 22 after the Town Council meeting.  The event will be replayed on Chanel 22 numerous times over the next few weeks.

For more information on Affordable & Workforce Housing, along with future updates on the subject, please visit the project page which you can find on our homepage, or by clicking here.  As soon as it's available this week, the recorded Affordable & Workforce Housing Discussion event will be added to the project page which you will be able to watch at your convenience, 24/7.

If you have additional comments, thoughts or questions to ask about Affordable & Workforce Housing, we'd love to hear from you.  You can send us your feedback on the project page, or by clicking here.

If you'd like updates on new information or events as they get added to the project page, signing up for e-alerts is easy... From our homepage, click on the "Subscribe to E-Alerts" button and select "Project Updates" under News or Announcements.  Now, you'll never miss an update!