Shoreland Property Owner Information

Maine DEP Shoreland Resources

The Town of Kittery is home to some of the most beautiful shoreline areas in Maine. In an effort to provide homeowners with information on how they can best use and manage their shorefront properties, the following list of informative resources from Maine DEP is provided. Any questions related to shoreland zoning, clearing vegetation, or building within the Shoreland Overlay or Resource Protection Overlay zones can be directed to the Code Enforcement Officer.


Timber Harvesting

The Maine Forest Service is a state entity that regulates timber harvesting in shoreland areas. Below are resources for property owners looking to pursue timber harvesting in Kittery as well as other resources on managing forests on your property. 

For more information: 
Maine Forest Service
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
22 State House Station 
18 Elkins Lane 
Augusta, Maine 04333-0022 
Telephone: (207) 287-2791 
Within Maine only 1-800-367-0223